Friday, 21 February 2014

New commissons and a competition entry!

Hooray new commissions are in and the promise of more to follow! First up is Marco Columbo, warhammer fantasy's explorer character from the old dogs of war range. I've always wanted to paint this miniature so it was a pleasure to accept this commission.

Next up is El Curandero from freebooter miniatures. I got a slight magician vibe from the sculpt so I put some stars on his cloak.

Finally this chap is a kitbashed Courier with a steampunk vibe, made by inmygravenimage of

And finally I entered a competition recently, the idea of which was to get everyone to paint the same simple cheap plastic miniature but put their best paintjob on it, to see who's got the mad skills. I did quite well; I came fourth out of 17. Here's my entry