Friday, 19 June 2015

Long time no blog...

Well its been a long while since I've updated this blog but not for lack of photos (computer trouble is my excuse, I was stuck with windows XP no longer being supported). So here is a short gallery of my favourite recent things:

First is a brace of vintage 80s chaos warriors, the very best decade for chaos warriors in my book.

Oh and this bloodletter demon:

A whole bunch of antique orcs turned up at the car-boot sale. I present Harboth's Arrer Boyz!

Some old plastic dwarves get a special Norse treatment with free-hand shield painting.

Finally my fledgling mordhiem warband retinue.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Fantasy Oldhammer Gallery

Welcome miniature lovers. I thought I'd fill this quiet moment between commissions with a look at what I do for fun and to keep my skills sharp; oldhammer! Warhammer is like a fine wine and gets better with age:

Some very old chaos warriors including the bog standard plastic warrior from the 80s.

80s skaven! So Beautiful and ratty, I started building them a sewer out of milliput.

A bunch of lanky 80s wood elves. I was very please with how the swords came out. I like how celtic these old wood elves look.

A bit of old empire for your viewing pleasure. I love a bit of colourful hereldry and freehand shield painting.

Some nice orcs and goblins, including some Regiments of Renown figures. Ive got the rest of harboths orc archers and rugluds armoured orcs stashed for a rainy day.